Friday, March 13, 2009


Yesterday, while my sister entering my house and suddenly 2 Malay guys which rided with motorcycle and snatched my sister’s handbag. It is unbelievable as it happens in front of my house and there were quite lot of people walked at that time. Thanks God, my sister defended herself and fighting back with the snatchers. My sister used his ‘hidden man’s energy’ and to pushed down the snatchers hence they didn’t get anything before leaving as fast as storm. After that, my sister fells very pain on his leg after noticed that his leg was injured and bleeding. Recently I heard that many case of scratching and robbing happen around my housing area and it was pretty scared as it never happen in my area before that. Perhaps there are a lot of ppl jobless during this economic recession and who should be blame? Government? Perhaps Yes as I heard from the news which there is still 70000 Bangladesh’s labor is queuing to enter to Malaysia. WTF, how government can allow so many foreign labors coming in to Malaysia since there is big number of local ppl jobless/ unemployed . Really don’t know what will happen in next few months


^^WiLLY LaM^^ said...

i had a friend who works in immigration dept. he said for every work permits approved, they get a small share while higher post gets bigger share.... well, this is boleh land ^_^

and where you stay? sounds so scary...

Louis Chan said...

kepong lor, near Jusco there