Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Old time

Longtime ago, I was a poor guys which my family not rich hence most of my sibling been forced to work after form 3 and I was the lucky one who can managed to persuade my study till university. Every morning, my father fetched me to school by his old car and my mom fetched back to home by her old motorbike. On that time, I fell very shameful as most of my friends came from the rich family and me seen like outlier. I was super un-confidence and hided myself from their world. During 6 year in my secondary school, it was toughest period to go through and I used to blame god why my family not rich. Have you been treated like an invisible man before? Everyone is buried you because you’re fat & ugly? Someone was playing your feeling? These all happen to me before and I used to it. After finished these 6 years, I was seldom contacted my ex-classmate as I don’t wan I remind all my bad history while seeing their faces. This is the reason why I didn’t contact them again.

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