Friday, March 13, 2009


Yesterday, while my sister entering my house and suddenly 2 Malay guys which rided with motorcycle and snatched my sister’s handbag. It is unbelievable as it happens in front of my house and there were quite lot of people walked at that time. Thanks God, my sister defended herself and fighting back with the snatchers. My sister used his ‘hidden man’s energy’ and to pushed down the snatchers hence they didn’t get anything before leaving as fast as storm. After that, my sister fells very pain on his leg after noticed that his leg was injured and bleeding. Recently I heard that many case of scratching and robbing happen around my housing area and it was pretty scared as it never happen in my area before that. Perhaps there are a lot of ppl jobless during this economic recession and who should be blame? Government? Perhaps Yes as I heard from the news which there is still 70000 Bangladesh’s labor is queuing to enter to Malaysia. WTF, how government can allow so many foreign labors coming in to Malaysia since there is big number of local ppl jobless/ unemployed . Really don’t know what will happen in next few months

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Old time

Longtime ago, I was a poor guys which my family not rich hence most of my sibling been forced to work after form 3 and I was the lucky one who can managed to persuade my study till university. Every morning, my father fetched me to school by his old car and my mom fetched back to home by her old motorbike. On that time, I fell very shameful as most of my friends came from the rich family and me seen like outlier. I was super un-confidence and hided myself from their world. During 6 year in my secondary school, it was toughest period to go through and I used to blame god why my family not rich. Have you been treated like an invisible man before? Everyone is buried you because you’re fat & ugly? Someone was playing your feeling? These all happen to me before and I used to it. After finished these 6 years, I was seldom contacted my ex-classmate as I don’t wan I remind all my bad history while seeing their faces. This is the reason why I didn’t contact them again.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009



1. 紧急情况

全世界的手机都可以拨打的共同紧急救援号码是112,加入你发现自己所在的地区无手机信号覆盖,同时你又遇到了紧急状况,用你的手机拨打112准没错,因 为这时候你的手机会自动搜索所有可用的网络并建立起紧急呼叫。特别有趣的是,即使你的手机是在键盘锁定的状态,你同样可以拨打112。试试吧!

2. 把车用遥控器落在车里了?

你的车用遥控能打开吧?如果可以,在你有一天将车用遥控器落在车里而且备用的遥控又在家里的话,你会发现有个手机真方便,用手机拨通家里人的手机,将你的 手机拿在离车门一英尺的地方,同时家里人拿着遥控器在他的手机旁边按响遥控器上的开锁键,这边你的车门就可以打开了。这个方法不管你把车开得离家有多远都 奏效。

3. 隐形的备用电池

你的手机电量不足了,为了让它能够继续使用,按*3370# 键,手机会重新启动,启动完毕后,你就会发现电量增加了50%。这部分隐藏的备用电量用完了你就必须得充电了,再次充电的时候,隐形的备用电池也同时充 电,下次电量低的时候又可以用这个方法。知道这个在紧急情况下如果手机电量不足非常管用。

4. 手机被偷了?有个办法让小偷也用不了,嘿嘿!

查看手机的序列号,只需键入* # 0 6 #
15位序列号会出现在手机屏幕上,全世界的每一台手机都有一个独一无二的序列号,把这个序列号记录下来并保存好。有一天如果你的手机不幸被偷了,打电话给 手机提供商,并提供你的手机序列号,他们会帮你把手机屏蔽,这样即使小偷换了SIM卡,仍然无法使用,你的手机对小偷来说变得一无是处。如果全世界每个手 机持有者都这么做,那么偷手机就没有意义了。